Always Sam makes an ideal gift for the young and young of heart! It is appreciated as a family gift, a birthday gift, or a holiday gift. It is also appreciated as a gift to local libraries and schools.

Always Sam is available in English, Spanish, and French. All versions are available in both hardback and paperback.

Always Sam by Joan Tabb | BookBaby Bookshop

Sam is a sweet 8-year-old boy who loves his family, his friends, and his dog. But what happens when he turns the purple of his shirt or the orangey-red of his tomato soup? His color differences make life difficult—some kids bully him until, along come chameleons and a sprinkle of magic!

Siempre Sam by Joan Tabb | BookBaby Bookshop

¿Quién no amaría a Sam? Es un niño de ocho años que ama a su familia, sus amigos y su perro. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando su piel cambia de color y se vuelve morado como su camisa o anaranjado-rojizo como la sopa de tomate? Sus cambios de color le hacen la vida un poco difícil: algunos niños son agradables, pero otros no quieren jugar con él. Los niños se burlan de Sam y lo molestan. Pero, en eso, llegan los camaleones y una pizca de magia. ¿Qué pasará entonces?

Toujours Sam by Joan Tabb | BookBaby Bookshop

Sam est un gentil garçon de 8 ans qui aime sa famille, ses amis et son chien. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu’il vire au violet de sa chemise ou au rouge orangé de sa soupe aux tomates ? Ses différences de couleur rendent la vie difficile : certains enfants l’intimident jusqu’à ce que des caméléons et une pincée de magie arrivent !

Always Sam: For the young and young at heart
- Gipsy Paladini, translator of Toujours Sam
- Gipsy Paladini, translator of Toujours Sam

“In a complex world, we need stories that bring out the sweetness and best in our children. Always Sam is a contemporary gem that speaks to today’s challenges while nurturing children’s social, emotional, and intellectual development.”